Civil Engineering

Since its foundation in 1937, T. J. O’Connor & Associates has been the lead designer in Civil Engineering of many of the country’s major wastewater systems, water supply projects and flood alleviation and management schemes, including the original upgrade contract to Ringsend WWTP catering for 1.64 million P.E. (40% of the country’s population) and the current contract increasing the capacity to 2.4 million P.E., equating to effluent treatment for 60% of the country’s population.

Recognition of our innovative civil engineering design solutions has been achieved through receipt of the Industry Innovation Award for the Fermoy Flood Alleviation Scheme from the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI).

We have undertaken the Masterplanning and Infrastructure design for a range of developments and are leading the way in the design of innovative Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), including the completion of SuDS Strategy Reports for a number of developments around the country.

Our staff are adept at working in challenging environments including environmentally sensitive, Natura 2000 sites and marine and harbour works.

T. J. O’Connor & Associates developed the three Guidance Documents for the Department of the Environment and Local Government that form the basis of all public procurement of Small Water Services Schemes for DBO Water and Wastewater projects.

The firm also prepped a guidance document for the preparation of Strategic Water Plans to be used by individual counties.

Members of our staff have been actively involved in redrafting the traditional forms of contract for the water industry and have represented the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland in consultations prior to the launch of the current suite of procurement documents for the Department of Finance.

Our clients include both public and private sector organisations and we have successfully completed numerous Design/Build (DB) contracts.

We were employed as Client’s Representative on the first Design/Build contract undertaken in this country at Osberstown Waste Water Treatment Plant in Co. Kildare. The tender documentation developed for this project has been widely used on most subsequent DB/DBO contracts throughout the country.

The firm were involved in the first Design/Build/Operate (DBO) contract to be undertaken in the State in Co. Monaghan which comprised the ‘bundling’ of a number of group and public water treatment schemes under a single DBO contract.

Our firm pioneered the use of Dissolved Air Flotation Treatment Plants and designed the first mesophilic (heated) anaerobic sewage sludge digestion plant in the state at Tullamore in 1986.

T. J. O’Connor & Associates prepared an inventory of water schemes in Co. Donegal in the mid 1990’s and installed comprehensive water Management Information System (MIS).

We have acted as Employer’s Representative and PSDP (previously PSDS) on a range of public works contracts for a variety of local authorities across the country.


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